Mark price is the fair price of a perpetual contract. Mark price is calculated using the liquidity in the perpetual market order book and the index price (spot price of the underlying market). At any point in time, mark price is defined as follows:
price1t:=indext×(1+Last Funding Rate×Funding PeriodTime Until Next Funding) price2t:=median(cexPricest)where cexPricest are mark prices from different centralized exchanges Impact Notional Amount=500 USDC/Initial Margin FractionImpact Bid Pricet=Avg execution price for a market sell of the impact notional valueImpact Ask Pricet=Avg execution price for a market buy of the impact notional valueImpact Pricet=(Impact Bid Pricet+Impact Ask Pricet)/2 Mark Price=Median(price1t,price2t,Impact Pricet)